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Forest Therapy

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he [she] seeks.

John Muir

What is Forest Therapy?

Inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, Forest Therapy or Forest Bathing is a natural therapeutic alternative that invites us to slow down the rhythm of the mind and body by fully immersing ourselves in the forest's atmosphere through awakening our senses.


How to do a Forest Therapy walk?

Forest Therapy is a mindfulness-based nature experienceis that can be done in any natural setting. It consists of a gentlle and short distance walk (no more than half a mile) of approximately 3 hours where the guide, certified by the Nature and Forest Therapy Association, facilitates sensory immersion in the forest that allow reconnect with ourselves, with nature and with other participants.



Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness. The restorative mind-body approach of the Nature and Forest Therapy Association provides an opportunity to slow down our minds by suspending the habitual pattern of thoughts. This allows a deep and gradual connection with the world around us.


This forest medicine practice improves our immune system, regulates our nervous system and blood pressure, reduces hormone stress levels, and increases our attention, memory, and creativity.

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